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Writer's pictureJoshua Covill

REPORT: August 6, 2020 - full day in Glacier National Park with Eric and Jackie

Updated: Apr 17, 2022

I met Jackie and Eric at their campsite on the east side of Glacier National Park at 6:00 am for a full day of birding around the park. Being birders from Ohio, they wanted to see a lot of the Rocky Mountain species unique to the western part of the continent.

Our first stop was Logan Pass at about 6:30am. We had a number of American Pipits and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches all around the boardwalk during this beautiful morning. After a short while of walking and scanning the hillside, I spotted 3 White-tailed Ptarmigan among the rocks! Although they were fairly distant, we enjoyed our scope-views of these hard to find birds before walking back to the parking lot.

Canada Jay

Next on our list was birding along the Inside North Fork road. Along the road at a spot I had marked the day before, we had got great looks at 4 Black-backed Woodpeckers and an American Three-toed Woodpecker, not to mention a few Canada Jays.

Black-backed Woodpecker

Along the Howe Lake trail, we enjoyed listening to a few Olive-sided Flycatchers singing and watch flocks of Red Crossbills fly overhead. We did eventually find a late-singing MacGillivray’s Warbler, another good western species. A little further down the inside road, we found a single Boreal Chickadee in the flock of Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees. The Boreal came in close and allowed for great looks and photos.

At the Camas Creek trail we got brief looks at 4 Black Swifts as they flew over the treetops! Another Glacier National Park specialty down!

Boreal Chickadee

After Glacier NP, made a few stops outside the national park around Columbia Falls and picked up Pygmy Nuthatch, Calliope and Rufous Hummingbirds, and Western Bluebird.

I dropped Jackie and Eric off at the Glacier park shuttle in Apgar around 5:00pm where they took the free shuttle up over Logan Pass and back to their campground.

We totaled 44 species for the late-summer day, and both Eric and Jackie got quite a few new birds!

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